Monday, June 11, 2012


I had such a nice weekend, I wanted to take just a minute and share. I just finished reading the book written by Stephanie Nielson from Nie Nie Dialogue. If you haven't heard of her, check it out. She is amazing and she has inspired me to blog more and to even write more about my family and my life. I know I will really appreciate being able to look back and remember how life was before kids. So I am going to strive to blog more, even if it's just about our day to day activities or things that seem uninteresting. I feel like I think of my blog as a way to let others stay caught up on our lives, but I am going to try and start using it for myself and my future family as a journal as well. So for a few random things:

Friday night I had to go up to Target and get some things for work. It is already my parent seminar at work again this week, so I had to get some last minute things. Kenzie went with me and we made a date night out of it. We stopped in Fairview on the way and got to hold Baby Axton. He is SO cute. It seems a little surreal that Taylon and Ash are parents now! It was really cute to watch Kenzie hold Axton.. Makes me excited to have our own. After I got my shoppin down, we watched Snow White and the Huntsman and ate at our favorite place.. Iggy's.

Saturday Kenz had to work an extra shift for someone, but I wasn't too upset because I went over to Nephi for Kelsi's bridal shower. It was lots of fun, and it was so nice to catch up with some of my friends. We don't see each other often anymore.. Life is so busy and at this age, everyone is at a different place. But, after years of being friends, I love how we can always just pick up where we left off. It is strange to be talking to them about the married life and having kids.. We shouldn't be this old yet! I am really happy for Kels and I was really glad I could be there on Saturday. 

When I got home, we ordered pizza and watched the Celtics game with Jord. My team lost :( But it was a nice, relaxing night. Just what I like these days! Sunday I woke up and made crepes for breakfast, then we put a roast in the crock pot for dinner that night. It feels so good to bake and cook again. Before I got pregnant, I was baking every weekend, and trying a lot of new things. I have had NO energy or desire the last few weeks to do any of my hobbies, and I have missed baking on the weekends. That night we had my mom and Ken over for dinner then sat out back and let our puppies play in the yard for a while. It was just really relaxing and nice. 

I have been feeling a lot better than I was before, but the sickness definitely isn't gone, and I still throw up a lot. It seems to be worse at night lately. I am keeping things down a lot better, and I have a much better attitude about it all lately. But it still sucks when it hits you and you instantly have to throw up. On Thursday night we pulled into the parking lot for softball and there were a bunch of people by my car so I didn't want to throw up out the car. So I threw up all over my floor mat then had to go to the car wash and deep clean my car. Kenzie wasn't very happy about that one and didn't get why I wouldn't just open the door and throw up outside. Sometimes you just can't think fast enough. I am thankful that my sickness has started easing up, but it would be nice if it would just stop completely. Pregnancy has been an emotional roller coaster for me. On one hand, I feel so sick and honestly just hate it. Sometimes I wish I could just go back to the way I was before all this. But on the other hand, I am so thankful to have a healthy baby growing inside me. And there are times where I truly cannot wait to have a baby. 

Overall, life is good for us. This is definitely making us grow up fast, and while I know I will miss these times I am definitely looking forward to the future.... particularly Christmas time!!!


  1. Yay! You liked the book:) Thanks for Sunday dinner. Feel better 100%, k? But even feeling better SOME of the time is good! Mommy loves you <3

  2. I will have to look in to that book, i have never heard of it before. I am trying to blog a lot more often, kinda like a journal, i think its a great idea to have as memories of what you and Kenz are doing every week! And totally fun for us friends and family to read and keep updated on you, glad to see you are starting to feel better!
