Saturday, January 22, 2011

Hemi ♥

Our Little Puppy
Oh my gosh, we love the crap out of our puppy.
She's not a puppy anymore though :[
She's still small,
but she's had a rough month.
She went into heat for the first time at the start of the month :[
She acted sick and sad
so we were going to go take her in to see what was wrong
but then we found out what was going on.
Poor little girl :[
Then last week I was outside and I heard her inside
crying and yelping.
So I ran inside and, I don't know how,
but she somehow sprained her arm.
So she's been limping all week.
And whining whenever she puts weight on it.
She's finally starting to walk on it again.
I feel so bad for her.
She's had a rough one.

She brings us so much happiness.
She is so funny.
Always running around as fast as she can,
attacking us when we get home,
and cuddling with us a bedtime.
I can't imagine our life without this little girl!!!

1 comment:

  1. So this blog is even CUTER when I can sit down and look at it without looking over your shoulder! LOVE the new layout, Ash. Nice job:)
