Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 6- Favorite Super Hero and Why

I have lots of superheroes in my life.
I have the greatest parents on this earth.
They have given me the best life a kid could ask for.
I have some awesome friends who are great examples to me.
I work at a place where our main purpose is to help struggling youth
create a better life for themselves.

I work with some awesome people on the ambulance who save lives on a daily basis.

Their dedication is amazing.

My Mackenzie J. Brown

He is my superhero because he always helps me when I need anything.

He knows me better than anyone else in the world.

He would drop everything to come help me if I needed it.

Marriage isn't easy.

But I am so thankful for the moments I have with


that make it so worth the hard work it is

to have a successful relationship.

My Baby Brothers

Are superheroes to me because I know if I needed anything

they would be there in a heartbeat.
They are just awesome people. So caring and kind.

I am so thankful to have been raised in a house where kindness matters.

As I have grown up and been out on my own,

I have seen how not all families are like mine.

I have been in homes where people talk to each other in ways

that are hurtful and degrading.

My family and I have had our share of fights,

but we didn't say things to each other just for the purpose of hurting each other.

And if we ever said anything disrespectul we would always apologize.

I am thankful for the people in my life who treat me with respect

and make me feel like I am special to them.
But my #1 Superhero is this guy:

1 comment:

  1. Oh my GOSH! What an amazing blog. I wish I could take credit for the wonderful person that you are. But I'll be just grateful that God loved me enough to let me have you until it was Mack's turn. I love you!!!!
