Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Gingerbread Houses

Last night we decided to have "family night" with our dear friends. Matt, Kasia, and baby Kaylix came over and we started the night off with a steak dinner generously provided by the boys. Yummy! I have been wanting to start a tradition of making gingerbread houses for a while now, so we decided to do it. We watched The Voice and worked on our gingerbread houses for hours. I am extremely thankful to have the amazing friends that we do. They really are more like family than friends. We are always coming up with crazy ideas and deciding last minute to go do something. It is nice to have these two so close so we can do stuff like that. I can't wait to introduce Riken to Kaylix.. They will be the cutest little baby couple ever! Gingerbread houses are done until next year.. But I am definitely glad we started a new tradition. Christmas time is so much fun! 

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