Monday, September 10, 2012

Fall So Far..

I am SO glad fall is finally here. That means winter is coming, and even before baby R, winter is my favorite time of year. I have been LOVING fall already. Of course I haven't been taking nearly enough pictures. But some of the things we have been doing the last few weeks are:

*Labor Day Camp Hopping: Over Labor Day we couldn't decide what to do because we had so many options. Our friends were camping, my dad's family was camping, and Kenz's family was camping. So we decided to go camp hopping! Friday night we pulled our trailer up Spring City canyon with some of the best friends in the world. Me and Kasia made navajo tacos in the trailer while the boys went looking for elk and when they got back we had dinner, and sat up into all hours of the night visiting with friends and eating smores. Saturday morning we pulled over to Fairview Canyon and camped with Kenzie's family and our family friends. There were LOTS of people up there and the food was delicious! Nothing beats camping food. Sunday we came home, cleaned up a little bit, and headed over to Payson canyon to spend the day with my dad and his family. It was so funny because when we got there they were making navajo tacos! Of all the foods, they made the same thing as us. We had another good night with family and headed home Sunday night because Kenz had to work Monday morning :( 

*Working on the house and spending time with the boys: I have mentioned it already but I LOVE having my brothers over here. It has been so much fun to have a full house sometimes instead of just us. And I really appreciate the help they are to me. 

*School: I have been loving my classes and have been doing so good! It feels so good to be learning and bettering myself. 

*Spending time with friends: Over Labor Day, Kasia was SO ready to have her little girl. She couldn't tell if she was close or not, but she was getting miserable. Well Monday night she went into Labor and Tuesday afternoon she had her! Kenzie loved playing with little Kaylix. It is so weird to see Matt and Kasia with a baby, but they are seriously the cutest. It makes me so excited to have ours. I love how in just a year, TONS of our friends have had babies, got married, and grown up. You would think that having babies would slow us all down, but we can already tell it's only going to get more fun from here! 

So that is life lately in a nutshell. I will post soon about my big baby belly :)

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