Tuesday, June 14, 2011


In all the hustle and bustle of my life lately,

I haven't had two seconds to sit down and blog!

We are making an offer on a house today!!

It is an OLD house in Moroni,

but it is seriously the cutest thing ever.

It has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms

and 3 levels!

We are including about $15,000 in the loan

to remodel it

cuz a lot of the stuff is really outdated!

( Poop green carpet! )

We are really hoping that they will accept our offer.

I am nervous to get my hopes up

because I don't want to get all excited then have it not work out.

But I have a really good feeling about it.

We are preapproved for the loan,

but we are offering less than they are asking for it.

So we are just hoping that they will accept

the amount we are offering,

and we will be homeowners!


This would be really cool for us

because we have a list of things we want

to do before we start a little family.

And buying a house was the BIG ONE.

So if we get this,

our vehicles will both be payed off by next year,

and then we just have a few places

we need to see before we can start

making babies!

I will keep you posted on what happens!


  1. That is so exciting! Awh I hope it works out!:)
    I left something for you to see on my blog:)

  2. that's way exciting Ash! i really hope it all works out for you 2, it looks like such a cute home! keep us updated on it, good luck!!
