I am a pretty happy girl right now.
I just feel so content and happy
with my life lately.
It is very refreshing!
Some of the things that I know are giving me
this positive attitude are:

Yes, it looks light yellow.
It also has carpet in the kitchen
and a baby purple bathroom.
we will be doing some remodeling.
Which makes me absolutely more
excited than ever!
I am so excited to make this place our own
and to finally OWN our own house!
We are getting the keys on Wednesday.
I spend a great majority of my days
at work looking at decorating and remodeling blogs.
I am stoked!
It feels so great to be taking this
big step in our lives.
I am so proud of the things
we have accomplished so far in our marriage.
And I am so happy that we will
own a house and have both of our
vehicles paid off before we even
START our family.

#2 - Do Terra Essential Oils
and my little version of integrative medicine!
I have this amazing friend from California
named Cynthia.
She is a member of the Self Realization Fellowship church
which is based on beliefs from a guru in India.
SO interesting!
She has inspired me to be more open
to a lot of things in my life.
She's way into herbs and essential oils.
So when our friend Richard told us he was starting
to sell Do Terra Oils,
I was super excited!
We went to a meeting at his house last night
to learn all about them.
They are awesome,
and I LOVE using them.
She also meditates.
Random, I know.
But she encouraged me to try it,
not necessarily for religious purposes,
but for self relaxation.
I thought it was a little off the wall,
but when my monthly COSMO magazine
had an article about meditating,
I decided to give it a try.
So I found myself a Pandora radio station
that plays calm meditation music
and I have been spending about 15 minutes
every morning just sitting in my quiet
bedroom listening to it
and trying to clear my mind.
You would be surprised at how good
this makes you feel!
I am hooked on my new essential oils
and my little morning, stress relieving ritual!
#3 - Our new friends, Richard and Chels.
We have lots of friends,
and we love them.
But we have had so much fun with
Richard and Chels lately.
It is SO nice to have married friends,
who want to do the same things as us.
We will just call each other and say
Hey let's go hiking!
And we will all just drop everything and go.
I have been pretty baby hungry lately.
But having friends who will go do
crazy fun stuff with us at a moments notice
has cured me.
I could NOT do these things if I had a baby.
I am SO looking forward to when we will have one.
But I don't think we are quite ready
to give up all our fun nights and weekends!
Which brings me to number 4.....

#4 - Our cruise!
Next time we get paid we are booking
our 4 night October cruise to Mexico
with Richard and Chels!
Needless to say,
we are pumped for this.
#5 - Having health insurance!
We got our insurance cards...
I can finally go in and get my eyes
checked and get new glasses and contacts.
This is huge for me.
My eyes cause me so much trouble!
It will be so nice to know that if
we get hurt we can go to the doctor!
#6 - Having my Momma with me...
I am such a momma's girl.
We are always busy and if I don't
see my mom for a couple days in a row
I get so sad!
Kenzie makes fun of me so bad
cuz I see her more than most people
get to see their moms and I still get all upset
when a few days go by and I don't see her.
It has been like a dream come true to have
my mom with me everyday.
#7 - Being Married to my very bestie :]
Gosh I just love Mackenzie.
I can't even tell ya.
He is such a sweetheart.
The other day we were thinking back on
how different our first year of marriage
was from our second year.
We spent the first year of marriage fighting!
Haha, like always.
But the last 8 months or so have been
absolutely awesome.
I think we have just matured a lot
and we now realize how to talk out problems
without trying to kill each other!
I can't even believe we are a couple
weeks away from our 2 year anniversary.
The time is going by TOO FAST!
There is my spill.
As I was driving to work today,
I just realized how happy and content
I feel with my life right now,
and it is such a good feeling!
Happy Monday :]