Wow, I suck. I haven't blogged about my pregnancy since I was 23 weeks! The good news is that I do actually do the little weekly pregnancy things, I just don't type them up and blog them. So I will have them in my pregnancy scrapbook. But for the blog's sake.. Here is a little update! I am almost 30 weeks!! I seriously can't believe it. My baby shower is on Sunday, and I'm on the home stretch of this pregnancy. The third trimester has been okay. A lot of the symptoms from the first trimester are back.. I am getting pretty exhausted again, the sickness is getting worse like it was in the beginning. But there are good things too, like I feel my baby move SO MUCH. I can tell when an arm or leg is sticking out and I love feeling and watching him move all over. I can definitely see why people say they miss this part of pregnancy. It is so much fun when I am in a boring meeting or conference for work and my baby is doing somersaults in my belly! Free entertainment :) The other fun part about this part of pregnancy is getting baby stuff and getting his room ready! I could just sit in there and hold his stuff all day :)
I have had a lot of complications in the last few weeks. A few weeks ago I started feeling contractions so we went in and had an ultrasound and they thought my cervix looked like it was shortening already. Luckily, the contractions stopped and for now, it looks like he is not trying to come out yet. If I do too much or over exert myself, the contractions start again. So I have been taking it as easy as possible and it is the weirdest thing because for now, it seems like I can control it. As long as I take it easy, I don't have contractions.
The next thing that happened was that he was measuring three weeks small. We were sent up to Utah Valley to see a specialist and get a different type of ultrasound and when we did that we found out that he is just small because I am small and there is nothing wrong with his development or his growth. That was a relief! The specialist also said that he will probably stay small the rest of the pregnancy and it would be crazy if he reached 7 lbs by the time I have him. As long as he is healthy, I am A OKAY with that. In the most recent ultrasounds we have had he looks SO CUTE. You can kind of see his little features, and I am in love. I am so tempted to spend the money to get the 3D ultrasound this month. I am so anxious to get a better look at that little face.
The most recent problem I have run into is failing the one hour glucose test. I can't believe this happened. Now I have to do the three hour one, and I am so not looking forward to that. I had a breakdown yesterday because the last couple months I have felt like if it's not one thing wrong, it's another. Along with the physical challenges, the stress and emotional toll pregnancy takes on you is hard. You worry about every little thing and you just want to have your baby safe and healthy in your arms. I don't think I will be able to take a deep breath again until he is here. Kenzie is going to kill me cuz I can be so snappy sometimes, but the stress is seriously hard to manage.
Anyway, this has been extremely long I know, but my feelings toward pregnancy are obviously mixed. I feel like I'm not good at this and I do miss being myself and feeling normal. However, I am definitely more grateful than anything else. I am thankful that my body is able to carry this baby and that I am going to be able to bring us a son. I am so thankful for the fact that he will be ours, with parts of me and parts of Kenzie. I need to take pictures of my current belly, cuz it is growing on a daily basis, but I will leave you with some from a few weeks ago..